Firearms Liberty for Florida

The largest “No Compromise” gun rights group in the Sunshine State! We will never accept political excuses or backroom deals. 

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Florida Gun Rights is completely dependent on generous donations from passionate Second Amendment advocates

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The Membership is modern-day Minutemen. They enable us to immediately respond to any attack on the Second Amendment.

Stand Up to the Gun Grabbers

Your Membership ensure we have a fighting chance against the deep pockets of anti-gun billionaires like Mike Bloomberg and George soros.

Never Back

Your Membership enable us to stay strong and never back down in the fight for our gun rights. Become a FLGR member today!

Become a member

Gun rights activists are the first line of defense in the fight for our Second Amendment freedoms. Florida Gun Rights is completely dependent on generous donations from passionate Second Amendment advocates.

Help FLGR keep up the fight for gun rights by joining!

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