Constitutional Carry Bill Coming to Florida

Good news!

I have been in talks with a Florida legislator who is working toward introducing Constitutional Carry!

If everything goes well, this will be the first time in history Florida has ever had a Constitutional Carry bill introduced.

In fact, Florida is the only state in the South to have never once considered this vital, pro-gun legislation.

So please help us push for Constitutional Carry by signing your petition today showing your legislators that Floridians want our rights restored.

The political climate in Tallahassee allowed for Republican lawmakers to pass gun control last year and has encouraged them to continue to chant for even more infringements on our right to keep and bear arms.

Now we are working to change that climate and force our elected officials to start respecting the Second Amendment starting with our efforts to pass Constitutional Carry.

Constitutional Carry is the simple idea that you shouldn’t have to ask for government permission in order to exercise your God-given right to self-defense.

No expensive fees.

No government interference.

No infringement.

Currently, anyone who wants to carry a handgun for self-defense must first beg for permission, record their fingerprints and personal information with the government, and pay expensive fees.

And Democrat Nikki Fried is the one in charge of the entire process.

But under Constitutional Carry, any citizen who is legally allowed to possess a firearm will be allowed to carry it. Period. End of story.

That’s why I’m counting on you to sign your Constitutional Carry petition today urging your lawmakers to publically support and vote for Constitutional Carry.

Fifteen states across this country have Constitutional Carry laws including liberal Northeastern states like Maine and New Hampshire.

Three states were added to that list in 2019 — South Dakota, Oklahoma, and Kentucky.

Will you help me make Florida the sixteenth Constitutional Carry state?

In some states it took decades. Other states passed Constitutional Carry the first year it was introduced.

But in every case, passing Constitutional Carry required continuous pressure from grassroots activists like you to force politicians to act.

Only if we inundate their offices with our expectations immediately, and continue to do so throughout session, will the politicians in Tallahassee realize that the people sent them there to uphold the Constitution.

As former U.S. Senator Everett Dirksen once said, “When I feel the heat, I see the light.”

Turn up the heat and show them right away that patriots and law-abiding Floridians REFUSE to settle for less than Constitutional Carry!

That’s why it is so important that you sign your Constitutional Carry petition today demanding that lawmakers in Tallahassee pass this important legislation.

Florida is often seen as an example to the rest of the country when it comes to gun policy.

Our state should be the leader in gun rights and should be the number one defender of freedom, but our politicians refuse to do the right thing.

Instead, lawmakers in Tallahassee — both Republicans and Democrats — have kowtowed to the anti-gun media and the Gun Control Lobby on how to “reasonably” infringe on our rights.

That’s why it is my goal to mobilize every pro-Second Amendment Floridian to fight gun control and advance pro-gun policies like Constitutional Carry.

So please sign your Constitutional Carry petition today demanding that politicians in Tallahassee stop pushing gun control and start advancing our rights.

Then, please forward this email to your pro-gun friends and family members.

If they aren’t involved in the fight to change the anti-gun culture in Tallahassee, it is up to you and me to bring them in to help defend our rights.

And finally, please consider chipping in $30 or $15 to help us mobilize even more pro-gun patriots.

Thank you in advance for your support, DJ.

For Freedom,

DJ Parten

D.J. Parten
Executive Director
Florida Gun Rights

P.S. We are closer than ever before to having Constitutional Carry introduced in Florida.

But in order to make this a reality, we need to mobilize every pro-gun patriot in our state to fight for the Second Amendment.

So please join our efforts today by signing your Constitutional Carry petition demanding that your lawmakers publically support and vote for this vital, pro-gun legislation.

And once you’ve signed your petition, please consider chipping in $30 or $15 to help us gear up for this fight.

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