FLGR Supporter,

I’ve got bad news.

Last week, Governor Rick Scott and high-ranking Republican legislators unveiled their blatant anti-gun plans.

Their gun-grabbing scheme consists of the following:

  • Disarming law-abiding adults under the age of 21, leaving them defenseless.
  • Imposing mandatory waiting periods on ALL firearms purchases.
  • Banning certain firearm accessories.
  • Even implementing a “mental health” gun ban which could strip law-abiding Floridians of their rights WITHOUT due process.

I’m not making this up.

Self-proclaimed “pro-gun” Republicans are proposing gun control measures that make Leftist billionaire activist Michael Bloomberg jump for joy.

This anti-gun compromising cannot continue!

That’s why I need you to sign your No Gun Control Mandate today, letting our legislators know you will not tolerate any additional gun control.

Governor Rick Scott’s actions have been worrisome.

Instead of leading the push to repeal dangerous “gun-free” kill zones, Governor Rick Scott is folding to the pressure from “Gun Control Inc.”

In a recent statement to the press, Scott said that “everything is on the table” when it comes to gun control.

Sadly, President Trump agreed with Scott in a recent tweet where he stated that “we must now focus on strengthening (Brady) Checks!”1

That is a complete 180 from Trump’s April 2017 promise that “The eight year assault on your Second Amendment freedoms has come to a crashing end.”

10 months after making that statement, President Trump is considering more gun control proposals than President Obama could ever dream of.

And Governor Scott has bought into these proposals hook, line, and sinker!

It’s time that we put a stop to this anti-gun madness!

That’s why I’m counting on you to sign your No Gun Control Mandate today, letting our legislators know you will not tolerate any additional gun control.

Law-abiding Floridian gun owners must ask themselves the following questions:

*** Should you be stripped of your right to keep and bear arms without due process of law?

***Should you have to register all your firearms?

***Should you be sent to jail for owning common sporting rifles and accessories?

Absolutely NOT!

But that’s what gun grabbing Democrats and weak-kneed Republicans want to do.

Together, they’re joining forces to push “reasonable” gun control legislation on law-abiding Floridians.

This is unacceptable and unconstitutional!

So please sign your No Gun Control Mandate today urging your lawmakers to oppose every attempt at passing gun control legislation.

We are in a Code Red situation.

Our God-given rights are under siege, and we must not sit on the sidelines and watch the government rip them to shreds.

We need every Second Amendment activist engaged in this critical policy battle.

After every slaughter in a “gun-free” kill zone, law-abiding gun owners are CONSTANTLY fighting accusations from anti-gunners and politicians… blaming us for the actions of an evil man who is hell-bent on murdering innocent people.

And after every email I send out warning about possible gun control headed our way, I ALWAYS get a reply from someone that says “this will never happen in Florida.”

But it’s unfolding before our very eyes.

Incoming Senate President, Republican Bill Galvano, is calling for age restrictions, accessory bans, and even stripping the right to own a firearm without due process.

Mark my words, if we don’t act now, Florida will be the latest victim of extreme gun control.

That’s why it’s imperative that you take action to defend your rights today by signing your No Gun Control Mandate.

The anti-gunners are exploiting this tragedy to its fullest, spitting in the faces of the wounded by using their pain as a means to advance their anti-gun agenda.

And instead of striking at the root — the “gun-free” kill zones that leave our loved ones completely defenseless — they continue to blame law-abiding gun owners like you for these horrific tragedies.

But any sane person knows well that this is not the result of gun owners.

It is the result of gun control!

So please take action to defend your rights today by signing your No Gun Control Mandate.

Then please forward this message to at least 7 of your friends and ask them to do the same.

And once you’ve done that, please consider chipping in $10 or $20 to help us fund our efforts to be back the assaults from the anti-gunners in Tallahassee.

Time is of the essence.

For Freedom,

D.J. Parten
Director of Legislation
Florida Gun Rights

P.S. The gun grabbers are rolling full steam ahead by dancing on the graves of the dead and using their blood as a means to advance their anti-gun agenda.

Now, by trying to blame law-abiding gun owners for tragedies like the Parkland shooting, they are pushing for more gun control in order to destroy our God-given right to self-defense.

Sadly, Republicans like Governor Rick Scott and Senator Bill Galvano have fallen for their anti-gun snake oil and are joining them in their anti-gun crusade.

That’s why I need you to sign your No Gun Control Mandate TODAY insisting that your lawmakers oppose any attempts to pass gun control.

Then, please forward this message to at least 7 friends and urge them to help as well.

And after you’ve done that, please consider chipping in $10 or $20 to help us fight this renewed push for gun control in Florida.

Thank you in advance for your support.

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