Anti-gun Crowd Wins in Court

Dear Patriot,   A Leon County Circuit Court judge dealt a crippling blow to the State’s firearm preemption law on Friday. Judge Charles Dodson declared the enforcement provision of the law unconstitutional, effectively rendering much of this Second...

Gun Control Repeal Filed in Florida House

Patriot, Despite the Tallahassee political establishment ramming through the largest gun control expansion in recent Florida history, we refuse to back down. In fact, we’ve teamed up with State Rep. Mike Hill to introduce HB 175, a bill to repeal ALL of the gun...

No Gun Control!

How many times have we seen it before? Wealthy out-of-state Leftists pour money into a state to influence their elections; then the state becomes an example of a liberal’s “paradise.” California comes to mind. Perhaps the worst policy implemented in...

It’s time to double the troops!

Republicans in Tallahassee just RAMMED one of Bloomberg’s largest gun control projects through both chambers of the Florida Legislature. Shamelessly exploiting the pain and suffering of the victims in Parkland, the anti-gun cabal in Tallahassee and across the...