Scott’s Betrayal
We can be nearly certain that after the passage of SB 7026, even more gun control will rear its ugly head in Florida.
We MUST prepare to hold accountable EVERY politician who turned their backs on law-abiding gun owners to satisfy the anti-gun media or to advance their own political career!
URGENT: Gun Control Coming to Florida!
Florida Republicans are caving to anti-gun pressure!
Following the Parkland, Florida attack, anti-gunners are blaming law-abiding gun owners for this tragedy, and they are pushing for more gun control to destroy our God-given right to self-defense.
Sadly, Governor Rick Scott and high-ranking Republican legislators are joining the anti-gun hysteria and are trying to RAM gun control through the Legislature in these last few days of session, including:
- Disarming adults under the age of 21, leaving them defenseless.
- Imposing mandatory government waiting periods on ALL firearms purchases.
- Banning certain firearm accessories.
- Even implementing a “mental health” gun ban which could strip law-abiding Floridians of their rights WITHOUT due process.
Make no mistake, Republican leadership is CAVING to the demands of “Gun Control Inc.”
Republicans are selling you out! Part 2
I’ve got bad news.
Last week, Governor Rick Scott and high-ranking Republican legislators unveiled their blatant anti-gun plans.
Their gun-grabbing scheme consists of the following:
- Disarming law-abiding adults under the age of 21, leaving them defenseless.
- Imposing mandatory waiting periods on ALL firearms purchases.
- Banning certain firearm accessories.
- Even implementing a “mental health” gun ban which could strip law-abiding Floridians of their rights WITHOUT due process.
I’m not making this up.
Self-proclaimed “pro-gun” Republicans are proposing gun control measures that make Leftist billionaire activist Michael Bloomberg jump for joy.
Republicans are selling you out!
Have you heard?
Weak-kneed Republicans are joining the deafening chorus for more gun control.
Instead of leading the charge to repeal dangerous “gun-free” kill zones, Governor Rick Scott is caving to anti-gun pressure.
Governor Scott recently told the press that “everything is on the table” when it comes to gun control.
Can you believe this??
Have you been watching the news?
“Everything is on the table” when it comes to anti-gun legislation.
Both Republicans and Democrats are calling for gun control less than one week after the horrific attack in Parkland.
Should you be stripped of your right to keep and bear arms without due process?
Should you have to register ALL your firearms?
Gun control is a failure
The radical Left is wasting no time using the legacy of the dead to push their gun control agenda.
While you and I pray for the peace and comfort of those directly impacted by this tragedy, politicians and media zealots are using this to grandstand for gun control.
In fact, Senator Bill Nelson was on CNN calling for universal gun registration before we had any definite information on the situation.
With all these calls for gun control, it’s amazing how many people refuse to acknowledge that gun control made this attack possible…