Help Make This Happen

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I have been in talks with a Florida legislator who is working toward introducing Constitutional Carry! If everything goes well, this will be the first time in history that Florida has ever had a Constitutional Carry bill introduced.

Marion Hammer’s Waning Influence in Tallahassee

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Marion Hammer, former NRA president and Executive Director of Unified Sportsmen of Florida, has long been a fixture in the gun rights community, but her influence in Tallahassee is waning, leaving a power vacuum that spelled disaster for gun rights last year and could only get worse as her behavior becomes more erratic.

Anti-gun Crowd Wins in Court

A Leon County Circuit Court judge dealt a crippling blow to the State’s firearm preemption law on Friday declaring the law’s enforcement provisions unconstitutional.

No Gun Control!

Michael Bloomberg and George Soros are dumping hundreds of thousands — if not millions — of dollars into Florida to take over our state and push their radical gun control agenda.

It’s time to double the troops!

Anti-gun billionaire Michael Bloomberg is ELATED that Florida Republicans like Governor Rick Scott, incoming Senate President Bill Galvano, and incoming Speaker of the House Jose Oliva RAMMED gun control down our throats this legislative session.

Will they be held accountable?

Florida Republicans betrayed gun owners.
The Florida House, Senate, AND Governor’s Office, all controlled by supposedly pro-gun Republicans just rammed through some of the WORST gun control in the state’s history.

They won’t quit

The gun grabbers aren’t done with the Sunshine State.

On the heels of Governor Gun Control Rick Scott signing landmark legislation to deprive you of your gun rights, anti-gunners are targeting the obscure Constitutional Revision Commission (CRC) to bypass the legislature and force more gun control on law-abiding Floridians.

At least one commissioner on the (CRC) is actively working to put a so-called “Assault Weapons Ban” in our State Constitution!